divinstead of actual native controls such as
button. We all start somewhere, don't we? Anyway those are now proper elements and are correctly reachable by keyboard tab navigation + interactable using space or Enter keys.
Bwhile a "New project" modal is active will no longer replace that modal with the "New board" one), as it turned out to be very frustrative in case of mistyping.
Donecolumn (so when shortest-term deadlines appear first in
In progress/
In validationcolumns i.e. ascending order, the
Donecolumn will display the highest dates first i.e. descending order), as it made more sense in practice
@usernamewould formerly result in an error. That
@, if included, is now automatically removed instead of rejecting the invitation for invalid syntax
Enterkey right away
Alt + Clickto duplicate it, and cancelling it with the
Alt+ click & drag to duplicate one or multiple items!
#123,for example would not be evaluated as a task reference, because of its trailing comma
Track timebutton of tasks context menu, was visible in other projects' context menus while tracking
some textwill display any item containing
"some text"will display any item containing exactly
some text
รฉwill be treated as a
c, etc.
Ctrl + Vor right click + paste) raw text in a mood board
Ctrl + Ain a mood board will select all items in that mood board
Escapekey in a mood board text now toggles off the editing
Resolveto move to
Done, and
Testto move to
In validation
&character couldn't be deleted
Ctrl+Vor the context menu on a right click
#34for task 34
#123to reference the task with the ID
@userto mention the user with the username
user. Mentioned users will get a notification, unless they turn off that notification type in their settings.
Ctrl + Zto trigger the "undo" of the displayed bottom flash message
-such as
- this will be a list line
[display text](http://actual-link-URL)Finally over with long links in task descriptions or comments! Use human readable names to refer to them, for example: follow Zorro Management on Twitter, just saying
CTRL + Fa second time will dismiss Zorro's search modal and bring your browser's native search in. Pretty handy if you want to use your browser's search from time to time without having to update your search preferences everytime in Zorro
>characters can now be correctly deleted when typing in the project name to confirm